
We offer strategic support services for the strengthening and growth of Agribusiness and the Aimal Nutrition area through customized technical solutions.

Our proposals are aligned with business strategies and market potential, providing assertiveness, celerity and competitiveness to our clients.


Who we are

Nutriagtech is made by a team of experts commited to provide solutions to the customers. Soraia Marques Putrino and Carlos Grossklaus, the co-founders, have more than 20 years of experience in Agribusiness & Animal Nutrition, and the support of associated professionals an extensive experience on key areas.

Soraia Marques Putrino 

Co-founder of Nutriagtech 

  • Executive with more than 20 years of career in Research and Development and technical support in Agribusiness and Animal Nutrition areas; 
  • Experience on global projects management, had estableshed strategic partnerships for projects, leading multifunctional teams and managing investments in R&D; 
  • PhD in Animal Nutrition from USP, specialized in Strategic Management of Technological Innovation from UNICAMP and ESG from FIA; 
  • Graduated in Animal Science from USP. 

Carlos Grossklaus  

Co-founder and adviser of Nutriagtech  

  • Executive working in Agribusiness area by over 20 years, had been actively participated in the starters projects of development and value generation for the meat chain;
  • Directly involved in the formation and consolidation of one of the largest Animal Nutrition group in the Brazilian market;
  • Experience on business models for tecnologies applied to the Agribusiness;
  • MBA in Marketing Management and Retail Management from FGV;
  • Graduated in Animal Science from USP.

Perry Doane  

Associate at Nutriagtech

  • Senior research scientist with more than 25 years of career in in Animal Nutrition and Agribusiness; 
  • Extensive expertise in research management and planning, product development, project management and technology implementation;
  • PhD and Masters in Animal Sciences from Cornell University;
  • Graduated in Agriculture from Vermont University.


Technical consulting and trainings

Our technical consultancy includes support and training on specific topics to the team involved on the projects.

We also provide the indication and management of activities with service providers for specific activities (experimental trials, field trials, laboratory analyzes, specific services).


Our portfolio of solutions for technical consulting and trainings are including the following topics:

  • Correlation and data analysis, market potential and trends
  • Sustainability
  • Animal welfare and health
  • Opportunities on ingredients, by-products and residues
  • Technologies and synergy between businesses
  • Food security and nutritional quality
  • Audit and diagnostic
  • Projects and instruction book for MAPA self-control program (infraction mitigation)
  • Implementation of BPF certification
  • Productivity and performance metrics
  • Productivity and performance metrics
  • Selling solutions and valorizing products
  • Support for certifications and Brazilian regulation
  • Protocols to register and to validate products
  • New products, functionality and solutions: technical support for business
  • Potentials aligned with market trends and global topics
  • Innovation process: tool to generate value

Commercial partnership

We work with local representation and in the development of strategic partnerships according to demand.


